Physical Education
At Oaklands Primary School, our vision for Physical Education and Sport is that all children have opportunities to take part in regular physical activity and become more physically confident and competent. Our aim is to encourage all children to have a passion for sport and support the development of their physical literacy. Our intent is that this will give our children confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding that provides them with the movement foundation for lifelong participation in sport as well as leading healthy and active lifestyles.
We deliver a high-quality, broad and balanced PE curriculum, which inspires all pupils through well-structured lessons that are fun, engaging and inclusive to all; allowing pupils to develop fundamental skills and competence to excel in a wide range of physical activities. Pupils are encouraged to take part in individual skill challenges as well as team games in order to develop and progress their fundamental skills.
We are passionate about raising participation levels in sport and improving the health and well-being of our pupils, so we provide a wide range of after-school sports, extracurricular activities and intra-school competitions. After-school sports are numerous: from football to yoga. We encourage less active children to become more physically active by inviting them to active sports sessions. Extracurricular sport is widely encouraged throughout the school, providing opportunities for all children to participate and compete against other schools in events such as cross-country, netball, football, boccia and multi-skill events. We have established local links with agencies including: SASP, The Yeovil School Games, Lawn Tennis Association, Somerset Cricket Board, Keri Hill Dance, Goldenstones Swimming Pool, Spirit Gymnastics and the Primary Stars Programme with Yeovil Town Football Club. These links provide many unique opportunities for the children to take part in an event or be inspired by meeting a Yeovil Town football player.
In order to maintain and raise the profile of PE and sport across the whole school, all children are invited to participate in intra-school events. We offer a range of activities including cross-country, hockey, golf, golden mile, orienteering, tennis and sports day, where parents are invited to celebrate their child’s sporting progression, development and achievements. Children are also encouraged to take daily bursts of active minutes.
Cross-curricular links with science and PSHE has encouraged all children to learn about how to be active, how to lead a healthy lifestyle and how their bodies work. Children also use their Geography and Maths skills in fun orienteering challenges.
Oaklands have Sports Leaders who are responsible for organising sporting activities within the school. This is an opportunity to take on leadership roles in which they can build character, demonstrate and learn how to communicate with others effectively, be organised, work as a team, be resilient and have respect for rules and fairness.
Our PE offering is of a high standard. We have been awarded the Gold School Games mark; we will continue to provide our current offering as well as provide new and interesting sporting activities that allow all children to explore opportunities. We are proud of how the children at Oaklands embrace the sports offered and how they understand the importance of physical activity in order to keep themselves healthy.
Our PE and school sport provision is of the highest quality and all pupils will, to the best of their abilities, develop and demonstrate the following personal qualities:
- A strong desire to learn and make progress
- High levels of dedication, attendance and involvement in PE and school sport
- Good levels of positive behaviour such as politeness, fair play and helpfulness
- Children can take forward a range of sporting skills
- A good understanding of how to live a healthy and happy lifestyle
- To have physical literacy – the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding that provides children with the movement foundation for lifelong participation in physical activity
- Become leaders in sport and confident role models for the future generation of children
For information on our curriculum offer, please click the following links:
For more information about our Sports Premium, please see the link found under 'Statutory Information'.