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Religious Education



Religious Education aims to support the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. It promotes curiosity, respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs whilst encouraging pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. The principal aim of RE is to engage pupils in an enquiry approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influence of principal religions and world views in the local, national and wider global community.


In Foundation Stage, the children learn about what is special to them: things, people, events, places and stories. They are introduced to Christianity through the festivals of Christmas and Easter, learning about a church and listening to simple Bible stories.

In Key Stage 1, the primary focus is for children to learn about the key themes of Christianity: the importance of Jesus; the festivals of Christmas and Easter; God and the creation of the world. Islam is the secondary focus and children learn about Allah and Muhammad, the festival of Ramadan and Muslim prayer. These religions reflect the school and the local community. Non-religious views, such as Humanism, are introduced.

In Key Stage 2, children develop their knowledge of Christianity through deepening their understanding of a Christian’s relationship with Jesus and God, and the key beliefs of salvation and agape. In Islam, they expand their understanding of Muhammad and Allah and practises that Muslims exercise. Children are also introduced to the other world religions of Hinduism and Judaism. They learn about key beliefs and festivals. Non-religious views, such as Humanism, are explored too.

Children explore these different religions through discussions, research, visits, visitors, artefacts and experiencing particular aspects of the religion. Children are taught three RE units each year, one per term. Units are taught in weekly sessions.


Children at Oaklands Community Primary School will be able to:

  • Recall key facts about religious figures and festivals
  • Explain different religious practises and beliefs
  • Ask relevant questions and gather evidence to inform opinions and views on world religions
  • Recognise the right for others to hold their own views and the richness that diversity brings
  • Show respect for other people’s beliefs, values, practises and traditions
  • Consider religious ideas through reflection, empathy and imagination and respond to more challenging questions about the meaning and purpose of life.
  • Explain confidently their own beliefs and spiritual ideas and relate this to their own unique identity and self-worth

RE Long Term Plan

RE Knowledge Builder

RE Vocabulary Builder

RE Skills Progression